Easter Newsletter from CNI Network - click here
Happy Easter from CNI Network. Whilst this is the most unusual Easter many of us will have encountered we can still celebrate the person of Jesus who offers love, life, forgiveness, hope, peace, freedom and purpose to each and every person even (or especially) in this time of worldwide pandemic. As I have shared in various radio interviews over the last few days, this weekend would be one of our busiest for Street Angels and Club Angels teams. The first Bank Holiday of the year, the warmer weather and longer days usually means pubs and clubs are full and our teams are busy helping those who are or could become vulnerable. Instead, as I have started to phone round project coordinators, I am hearing of our amazing volunteers responding in new ways: setting up phone numbers to offer shopping, meals on wheels or for people to chat and pray; people becoming NHS Volunteers; working with the local authority to set up community hubs; volunteering with Food Banks. One volunteer centre has had over 160 responses to a social media call out for new volunteers! We are not sure when or what our communities, especially at night and events such as festivals, will look like once this is over. CNI Network is encouraging our local projects to take this time to look at new ways of working, to be pioneering and innovative, to look at how we can support those who work within the industries we work alongside. This Easter weekend is a call to look to the hope beyond the now. To look for new life. To see the world through a different lens. Jesus is the one who, through his death and resurrection, offers a different way of doing things and a different perspective. Let us share this good news this Easter weekend! Happy Easter - Paul Blakey - CEO CNI Network Comments are closed.
ROC Angels - an initiative of ROC (Redeeming Our Communities)
Charity - 1139817 / Registered Company - 7327258 Postal Address: ROC Angels, c/o The King's Centre, Park Rd, Halifax, HX1 2TS E-Mail: [email protected] (founder / CEO) / Phone: 07725501465 |