VOLUNTEERS are being urged to wing their way to the aid of revellers in Hull, as part of a new scheme to make the city a safer place to socialise. Hull Street Angels Trinity have launched a recruitment drive to find volunteers willing to patrol the Lowgate and Trinity Quarter area of the Old Town. Operating from Holy Trinity Church, they will walk the streets in groups of two or three on Friday and Saturday nights and be on hand to offer practical help and support to anyone who becomes vulnerable during a night out. Similar to the street angels already operating along Princes Avenue in west Hull, they will be armed with two-way radios, first-aid kits, bottles of water and flip-flops for women feeling a bit footsore in high heels. Karen Thompson, who has been appointed the scheme's co-ordinator, said: "I am really excited and thrilled to be part of this innovative project. "Hull Street Angels are operating along Princes Avenue and have made a positive contribution to their community. "It is envisaged that this new initiative will be equally as successful as the last. "I am looking for individuals who are passionate about supporting vulnerable people, Hull's night-time economy and are also keen for the city of Hull be recognised as being a safe, welcoming and entertaining place for one and all." The angels will forge links with door staff as they attempt to ensure those in need get home safely and volunteers will receive first-aid training and other support. Ms Thompson said: "We have been in operation for almost a year, making Hull city centre a safer place and supporting vulnerable people who may be intoxicated. "We have had a significant impact on reducing number of visits to accident and emergency due to intoxication, as well as being instrumental in Hull achieving the Purple Flag Award for being a safe city. "We desperately need volunteers for one or two nights a month on a Friday or Saturday night. "They will patrol from 10pm to 2am and they will receive full training, a uniform and personal development." To volunteer or find out more, visit or call Karen on 07580 032779. Comments are closed.
ROC Angels - an initiative of ROC (Redeeming Our Communities)
Charity - 1139817 / Registered Company - 7327258 Postal Address: ROC Angels, c/o The King's Centre, Park Rd, Halifax, HX1 2TS E-Mail: [email protected] (founder / CEO) / Phone: 07725501465 |