Happy New Year from Christian Nightlife Initiatves...
Here is the January Street Angels – Christian Nightlife Initiatives newsletter... These are exciting times for CNI! It was thought that CNI needed to become its own independent organisation and as part of this we have asked five key people across the UK to help develop the work of Christian Nightlife Initiatives Network regionally and nationally: · Andy Burns - Dundee ROCK Street Chaplains · Steve Brock - Stcokton Town Pastors · Jackie Fortune - Street Angels in North East Lincolnshire · Julian Lomas - Almond Tree Strategic Consulting Ltd · Derek Baker - Arun Angels · Trevor Bendrien and Paul McNally - link to SA-CNI charity structure More details and news of some more exciting developments will be in the February Newsletter (which we are aiming to become a 2 page monthly email with more news from across the UK). As you will read in the attached newsletter Adam is taking on the role of national development officer for CNI and will continue to work alongside myself in this. We are both here to support you and your project so please do ask if there is anything you need! Please let us know of any questions or thoughts around this! CNI has come a long way in the last 8 months and we believe God has bigger things in store for 2011... If your project is not a member of CNI then we would love to have you on board! See www.cninetwork.org.uk for a list of members and how you can join.... Wishing you all the best for 2011.... God Bless Paul Halifax Street Angels Founder - Paul Blakey MBE Comments are closed.
ROC Angels - an initiative of ROC (Redeeming Our Communities)
Charity - 1139817 / Registered Company - 7327258 Postal Address: ROC Angels, c/o The King's Centre, Park Rd, Halifax, HX1 2TS E-Mail: [email protected] (founder / CEO) / Phone: 07725501465 |