Thoughts from a conference organised by Keep Britain Tidy with the theme:
The public services that support the places we live and work are being severely cut back. We rapidly need new thinking if, despite the cuts, we are to continue to improve our local areas. Keep Britain Tidy has engaged communities in local action for almost sixty years. We believe the time is right for a new national model of citizen engagement, centred on the places we know and love. Twitter #DespiteTheCuts 'Deprived areas sounds negative...actually these areas are full of assets and potential.' The big themes from #despitethecuts: to make people care make it really, really local. Be clear about what you want & what you expect. Summing up at #DespiteTheCuts Being valued, celebrating community action and incentivising all important. Social media: "Change styles across videos, facebook visuals and twitter short and sweet." "In order for people to engage it needs to feel REALLY LOCAL." (Simone Spray) @loveyourstreets show love and kindness to help the Binge drinking community of Halifax to get back on its feet. #DespiteTheCuts #Community 'Positive emotions and empathy; connections with people; learning from role modals; our values.' Check out 'People United'! #despitethecuts #Street Angels reduced crime by 42% in Halifax thanks to community spirit and warmth towards local citizens. #DespiteTheCuts Paul Blakey tells us how Street Angels show compassion and care to help out the Halifax community. #Inspirational #totallylocally talk about their town tool kit and how 1 person can really change a town #DespiteTheCuts giving people a sense of purpose and being local which has been repeated explicit during this conference are key indicators 'Optimism is the name of the game.' We need to turn our anger into passion to impact our communities we can just get on and do something good with neighbours and in neighbourhoods So inspired by the Co-operative talk at @KeepBritainTidy #DespiteTheCuts love the Co-Op revolution graphic novel Listening to Laura Vickery from the Coop group at #despitethecuts businesses have a responsibility to themselves to be community focused "Our voices, Our neighbourhood. Let's be loud, let's be proud" #DaveMorris Dave Morris - "Start Thinking Big". Visions for a community’s future are crucial to inspire optimism to the local people have a vision - without vision we go nowhere - what is yr vision for yr local community - ours binge to better.... Dave Morris talking about how he stopped just accepting 'the way things are' & got together with others to change things "It is not hard to reach the community; there are groups in every area if you look around" every single person has something they can give and have value to bring to wider community - = relationship people connecting with neighbours - role of council but also church & orgs - we run @loveyourstreets #Do1NiceThing campaign we need to shift from doing things to people to doing things with people - Lambeth council but all orgs need to rethink this Keep Britain Tidy believe that - "community action has to be really local" having a thriving voluntary community sector is vital to social economy of neighbourhoods Comments are closed.
ROC Angels - an initiative of ROC (Redeeming Our Communities)
Charity - 1139817 / Registered Company - 7327258 Postal Address: ROC Angels, c/o The King's Centre, Park Rd, Halifax, HX1 2TS E-Mail: [email protected] (founder / CEO) / Phone: 07725501465 |