Hi Folks.
As you all know Im not one for writing about what goes on on the streets of Dundee City Centre. However I feel we need to let you know a little of what is happening since Christmas, Since early January we have been spending a lot of time in and around the area of Dundee Bus station, this area is well known as being the alternative area (gay.les. bisexual). However we have been in touch with a young guy who is of the age that he can't get into the bars and clubs but is popular for the wrong reasons sexually. Three of our Street Chaplains have had very very good chats with him and over the weeks he has opened up. They have shared the Good news of the Gospel with him as well as helping him in practical ways. Can we ask you to pray for him and that the Street Chaplains who know him will have wisdom as they chat to him. The hot drinks table at the Steeple Church has been popular with clubbers and those who are vunerable and homeless on the streets of Dundee, This has shown us that there is a need for some sort of night cafe/place where people can come and be safe until they can get a bus/taxi or move on. Please pray about this. There seems to be lots of work going on in Dundee during the day for the vulerable but little during the Nighttime Hours. Last night 27th January while our team was on the streets three of our Chaplains came across a man who was very very drunk, he had been left by his friends and was freezing (had we not found him the outcome might not have been that good) however there managed to get him back to the hot drinks table and warmed him up then got in into a taxi and home, One of the Street Chaplains gave the taxi driver a tip of £10 as he was going out of his way to take the man home and did lose money is taxi fares because of his concern. Thanks for praying. Andy Burns. ROCK Street Chaplains Co-ordinator. Broughty Ferry Outreach is going ok, we have a faithful few but could do with new members for this team, The team goes out on the 3rd Fri Night of the Month. Broughtyferry is different to Dundee City Centre bit the need is the same. If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining this team Pease contact myself or Pastor Brian Tolbot. The need is great in Broughtyferry. Comments are closed.
ROC Angels - an initiative of ROC (Redeeming Our Communities)
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